Saturday, December 15, 2007

Last weekend, It is fresh today। I want go to elect with father। Before I went to elect। I want lead mother, She go to elect because My mother need elect at home but I want to elect at hometown. I will to explain about elect. The elect is to do a particular job by voting for them. They will administer of Thailand because They need administer to economic and development of Thailand. Then She had elect to finish. I talk with my mother. We need select to good person and justice because They had better develop of Thailand. I know that. so, I went to restaurant with my mother. We ate to food. We ate finish. We come back home, then I went elect with father. Between We sit in car We had talking about elect. The government isn’t to develop and It has many problem. So, They should improve problem of Thailand. My father talk with me, you’re good think. We arrived to hometown. The many people to elect because They need good person and develop of Thailand. so, I visit to grandmother. She was very old She was ninety year old and She miss for me. I never go to her. But I call to her. I had pick up jasmine for her. She feel cry because She feel very glad when I visit to her. I will visit to her for a religious festival only because Now, I study to university. then I tells to her. I miss you too and very glad so, I met to her. After than I ate food and She ask me. How do you to study? I’m so good. I ask to her. How are you? She answers I am fine. She look like to strong and fresh always. then I want come back home.She ask ,When do you come back here?I know so, I will call to everyday. ‘ok’ I miss you always.

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