Tuesday, January 8, 2008

last weekend
Last WeekendLast Weekend , I want to MBK my friends. , I met my friend after than We ate to Raman , It ' s same to noodle It ' s come from Japan , The Japan food to delicious. Then We need sing to Karaoke so, We had funny sings It ' s many song for slow , speedy . but I like Hip – Hop because I like to black skin and listens song to excited for example Black eye peas because they had to popular in foreign country Now , They will famous to forever. Then We had sing to finish. We wants saw to the movie theater so , I bought to ticket We saw to Gameplan story It ' s about Rugby and A girl .This ' s story to act by the Rock. He was black skin and handsome. The important He want famous in Hollywood . when we saw to finish. We went to Siam I wants new shoes so, I met it but It ' s a expensive. I tells to them. It ' s pair to two - thousand . then We had come back home . Next day , My father talks to me. We had visit to grand mother I feels so good and Happy. because she was to be old . Sometimes, she called to me she tells to me, “miss you very mush “ I tells to her, ”miss you too” I feels cry because she love my family then I bought to flower for her and arrived to here . I need hug to her she' s feeling happy she' s hug and kiss to me I had very glad . then I ate to food restaurant. The food restaurant ' s me father . It has to everything for seafood , papaya , ice-cream , fruit to any thing Sometimes , I helps work To Restaurant I will guarantee to Restaurant . It ' s delicious to certainly

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